Time Flies, If You Didn’t Get The Memo
If you have access to www.gh2unfiltered.com, then you need not worry or attend, the recording will be available.
If you are new to Medicare, or are perversely curious, the link will be released here, at some point prior to October 2. October 2nd seems like tomorrow or years away, depending on when you ask. Be sure to reserve your spot, by becoming a paid subscriber, today!
Generation X In Trouble
Generation X is, generally speaking, in the middle of its greatest earnings power. That is changing, by the way, which is one of a list of reasons book #2 is languishing. It’s because the timeline and path to retirement has been changed by the pattern of lifetime earnings power. Back to the point, and away from my personal sob story.
In the face of 8% inflation, at least, the retirement savings pie has now declined by 17.5%, the red circle. Important that I have seen the other counterparts and shown Blackrock frequently, other targeted retirement date funds are worse, not better.
Very Challenging From Here: How Challenging?