Headlines Are True But Probably Not Everything
Headlines read:
Stocks worst day since 2022
Google & Tesla disappoint
Small-caps outperform Tech. Here’s a free share of the NYTimes article.
Those are true, no question. However, the headlines do not explain the amount (QQQ is down 8%), nor do they explain the speed. So I started to aggressively flip over rocks.
We will never be told, no one will send us a memo to confirm what occurs. The professional market has many layers that private investors cannot access or understand. Subscribers get insight on my background. I stated before (in self-mockery): “I am the Forrest Gump of global finance.” I seen stuff (multiple sics haha).
Let me be even more blunt: The Great Financial Crisis does NOT make my Top 5 list. Seriously.
It’s an advanced edition of “Stocks For Show, Bonds For Dough.” Here’s the Bloomberg link, always a bit late.