Prescription Drug Discount Cards
They're Fine, As Long As You Understand How To Use & Their Limits
In This Edition:
History Rhymes? Unclear.
NY Times Reports “Progress,” Meh.
Prescription Drug Cards: How To Use.
Retirement planning: some old books are now obsolete, why?
Ukraine / Russia: Back to the Future?
I was on the “ground floor” for this, and while history may not precisely repeat, this rhymed, to me, a lot. Here’s a pretty good recap, when Russia intentionally defaulted on bonds, where the only investors were foreigners: click here.
Over the weekend, this was reported by Reuters: click here.
Russian orders block on foreign clients' bids to sell Russian securities - document
Maybe it’s not the same at all. Or maybe it’s the same.
This appeared in the NY Times (link).
Observation status update: you can appeal your status now. Basically, when you go to a hospital, you could be admitted or not. If not, then you are covered by Part B (subject to deductible and 20% coinsurance after the deductible is met). If you are admitted then you fall under Part A.
For Medigap, Part B deductible isn’t covered by original Medicare, and only on plans C & F is the Part B deductible covered. For Medicare Advantage, you would be charged according to the policy, which will vary from plan to plan.
The question here: what happens if your status is switched from inpatient (covered by Part A) to observation (covered by Part B)? Now, you have the right to appeal.
This in favor of Medicare beneficiaries. Note: my favorite book mentions that even then, the CMS has the right to switch your status, after the fact, under audit. So this ruling, while favorable for Medicare people, doesn’t solve every last issue.
This One Is Good
The third point in this article is a welcomed one. Social Security offices are now open. For those that need to submit documents, or explain a specific situation, this can be important to actually appear at the Social Security office. Finally.
Prescription Discount Card
Our Facebook post (follow and share with someone you know, age does not matter here).
Click on the image to see the actual, free card. You can share this with others. For the enterprising, we can arrange that you get a shekel or two for sharing. You can send an email.
With inflation running, we are receiving more inquiries about the cost of medications, compared to any other year in memory.
Concept Fine, But Details Absent
Some books can be vague, that means they can be obsolete quickly. That doesn’t mean “wrong,” but it does mean that in order to actually execute, that’s a whole different ball of wax. An example, this person is also the author of The Power of Zero, a popular book, not Dan Brown popular, but still.