Are Fees & Commissions Worth It?
Very commonly heard is the objection over fees, expenses and commissions: what I think
How To Understand Fees
It is a popular objection. It is very difficult to tell if fees are excessive or not. Certainly, the messages you hear and read make it seem like expenses, fees, and commissions are reasons to avoid a financial product. The list of products affected is almost endless, that should tell you something.
Reality: If you can actually do it yourself, replicate the cash flows, under the different scenarios yourself, then you can reduce the fees…to zero.
If you are being told: “I can do better than that,” then ask them for a written contract in which that person guarantees the result. That will stop the conversation, in its tracks. Aye, there’s the rub. The issue is that the objections, for the most part (not always), cannot address the element that you may want/need the most.
Does this mean that fees can be avoided? No. Does that mean that you should simply discard alternatives due to your suspicions [well-founded or erroneous]? You can do that, you will not be the first. But overlooking, oversimplifying will only affect you.
The paid subscriber video is here. I examine the objections as a guide to helping you decide if fees are ‘worth it,’ or not.