Welcome to Jae’s Corner

Personal finance is knowable, I am convinced of this.

The single principle is to help people actually think through the incredible amount of noise regarding financial topics. From dental insurance to portfolio strategy, the wrongly-placed narratives are everywhere. Advertisements, articles, YouTube, the internet, your stock broker: you are literally bombarded from all angles.

You are left in the middle, and since the messages seem like they could be true, the shortcomings do not reveal themselves, until after the fact.
Sometimes, it’s too late. Sometimes, it’s not. Jae’s Corner can help you on that as well.

Medicare? It’s A Single Example, But There’s More, Much More

It’s both funny and infuriating. Medicare is a single topic, a big one.

The idea that Medicare is the endpoint? Not even close. It is the tip of the personal finance iceberg. People get the wrong idea, from the beginning, get stuck on these wrongly-formulated ideas, for decades…

The way to address this? How about not building a house on a foundation of sand?

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Professionally, it is very risky to put myself out there. Someone mis-reads, mis-understands, and guess who is to blame, especially in our society today? You got it: me.

So, there needs to a wall, and behind it? Comments and insights that I won’t share in public. The value is in the thousands for people that need more than the superficial information that exists in the public eye.


Subscribe to Jae's Corner | Solving the Financial Knowledge Crisis

Financial planning info & strategies in plain-spoken language for all age divisions. By Education Fellow at the Alliance for Lifetime Income & Author of Maximize Your Medicare.